miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2019

Some prose writers of the late 17th c. (NIVEL AVANZADO)

SAMUEL PEPYS  (1633-1703)

(English writer, author of a secret diary, unpublished and undecyphered until the 19th century; lower middle class Puritan background, Anglican; st. with a scholarship, social promotion, official at the Navy office during the Restoration; imprisoned during Popish Plot and after 1688 Revolution; reformer of the Navy office, member of the Royal Society)

Pepys, Samuel.  Diary. Written 1660-69. Deciphered by John Smith; pub. 1825-.


JOHN EVELYN          (1620-1706)

(English royalist gentleman, travelled in Europe during 1640s; polygraph, virtuoso and member of the Royal Society, friend of S. Pepys)

Evelyn, John.    Diary.  Written 1641-. Ed.  1818.

 _____. Liberty and Servitude. Treatise. 1649.
_____. A Character of England.
Essay. 1659.

 _____. Fumifugium ot The Smoak of London Dissipated. Project. 1661.
_____. Tyrannus, or the Mode. Essay. 1661.
_____. London Revived: Considerations for its Rebuilding in 1666. (= "Londinium Redivivum").

_____. Terra, or A Philosophical Discourse of Earth. 1675.

And a great scientist: Isaac Newton (audio).

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Un blog sobre literatura inglesa (y norteamericana)

  Este blog fue utilizado como material auxiliar para una asignatura del grado de Lenguas Modernas en la Universidad de Zaragoza, asignatur...