lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2021



Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Dir. Kenneth Branagh. Screenplay by Steph Lady and Frank Darabont, based on Mary Shelley's novel.


Prod. Francis Ford Coppola, James V. Hart, John Veitch. Coprod. Kenneth Branagh, David Parfitt. Prod. design Tim Harvey. Photog. dir. Robert Pratt. Ed. Andrew Marcus. Costumes by James Acheson. Music: Patrick Doyle.  


Cast: Robert de Niro, Kenneth Branagh, Hom Hulce, Helena Bonham Carter, Aidan Quinn, Ian Holm, Richard Briers, John Cleese. Cherie Lunghi, Treuyn McDowell. 


TriStar Pictures / Japan Satellite Broadcasting / The Indie Prod. Company / American Zoetrope, 1994.








lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021


Yendo un poco más deprisa, intentaremos ver (o al menos nombrar en clase... a tres autores del programa cada día. El 22 de noviembre, a Gray, Johnson y Blake; y el 23 terminamos el tema 3 con Wollstonecraft, y pasamos al 4 con Austen y Scott.



Mary Wollstonecraft   (1759-1797)

English woman of letters, philosopher and novelist, political thinker and educationist, major theorist of feminism. Born in London, unhappy childhood with brutal improvident father; loved Fanny Blood; self-educated schoolteacher, Dissenter, frequented Unitarian and radical circles, hack writer for Joseph Johnson, unhappy infatuation with Henry Fuseli; feminist and radical activist; travelled to France during Revolution, met Gilbert Imlay, had illegitimate daughter Fanny Imlay; rejected and exploited by Imlay, travelled to Scandinavia as his business agent, attempted suicide in Putney Bridge, rescued; friendship and marriage with William Godwin, died after giving birth to daughter Mary Godwin [later Mary Shelley]. As a feminist writer, she emphasizes the importance of education in modelling character and socially promoting the equality of women, rather than the straightforward demand of political rights for women.

_____. Thoughts on the Education of Daughters. 1787.
_____. Original Stories. Children's book. 1788.
_____. Mary: A Fiction.  1788.

_____, ed. The Female Reader. 1789.

_____. A Vindication of the Rights of Men.  1790.
_____. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.  1792. 
_____. An Historical and Moral View. . . of the French Revolution.  1794.
_____. Letters Written During a Short Residence in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. 1796.
_____. Maria, or The Wrongs of Woman.  Unfinished novel. In Posthumous Works, 1798.

Nuestra lectura de Mary Wollstonecraft es una selección de Vindication of the Rights of Woman (en las fotocopias).

Aquí una presentación sobre Mary Wollstonecraft como filósofa feminista: una pequeña lección de la UNED (audio) sobre Mary Wollstonecraft y su Vindication of the Rights of Woman.

Y una biografía de Mary Wollstonecraft (audio-vídeo).

Lady Macbeth sonámbula, un cuadro de uno de los amados de Mary Wollstonecraft, el pintor romántico Henry Fuseli.


 Dr Kat on Mary Wollstonecraft:


Political writers of the 1790s:

Edmund Burke. Conciliation with the American Colonies. 1775.

_______. Reflections on the Revolution in France. 1790.


Richard Price. Observations on Civil Liberty. 1776.

William Godwin. Political Justice. 1793.




Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin.




Obras de William Blake  (1757-1827):

_____.  Songs of Innocence. 1789.
_____.  The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c.1790-93.
_____.  America: A Prophecy. 1793.
_____.  Visions of the Daughters of Albion. 1793.
_____.   Songs of Experience. 1794.  ("The Clod and the Pebble"; "London")
_____.  The Book of Urizen. Poem. 1794.
_____.  Europe: A Prophecy. 1794.
_____.  The Book of Los.  Poem. 1795.
_____.  The Four Zoas (Orig. Vala), written and rev. 1797-1804.

_____. "Auguries of Innocence." 1803.
_____.  Milton, a Poem in Two Books. 1804-8.
_____.  Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion. 1804-20.

_____. "The Everlasting Gospel." 1818.

William Blake y sus grabados
en Google Images.

De Blake tenemos en la selección de lecturas unos poemas: "The Clod and the Pebble", "London", y "Auguries of Innocence".

- Un audio de la BBC sobre Songs of Innocence & Songs of Experience de William Blake. (Este programa de la BBC 4, In Our Time, es una excelente idea añadirlo a vuestros favoritos para practicar inglés con temas de interés cultural).






NIVEL AVANZADO: A video documentary on William Blake


Samuel Johnson  (1709-1784)

_____. "London, A Poem in Imitation of the Third Satire of Juvenal." 1738.
_____.  "The Vanity of Human Wishes: The Tenth Satire of Juvenal Imitated." 1749.
_____.  The Rambler.  London, 1750-2.
_____.  A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers.   2 vols. London, 1755. 
_____.  The Idler.  Periodical. 1758-60.
_____.  The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abisinia.  Novel. 1759.
_____, ed. The Plays of William Shakespeare, with Notes, etc.  1765. ("Preface to Shakespeare")
_____.  Lives of the English Poets.  1778-1780. 
_____.  Prayers and Meditations. 1785.

Prose in the Age of Reason
(Anthony Burgess).

Dos conferencias: Johnson y Boswell.

De Johnson tenemos una selección de lecturas en las fotocopias.



- The Age of Johnson (video lecture)

- Un documental sobre Samuel Johnson:

- Samuel Johnson as critic (video lectures). 


From Johnson's Club:


James Boswell. The Life of Samuel Johnson. 1791.

Oliver Goldsmith, The Citizen of the World. Essays. 1760s.

_____. The Vicar of Wakefield. Novel. 1766.

_____. The Deserted Village. Poem. 1770.

_____. She Stoops to Conquer. Drama. 1771. 




Thomas Gray  (1716-1771)

_____. "Ode on the Spring." 1742.
_____. "Ode to Adversity." 1742.
_____. "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College." 1742.
_____. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard."  Written 1742-50. Pub. 1751.
_____. "The Progress of Poesy." Ode. Written. 1754. Pub. 1757.
_____.  "The Bard." Ode. Written 1754-57. Pub. 1757.
_____. "The Triumphs of Owen." Poem. Written c. 1764. Pub. 1768.
_____. "The Fatal Sisters. From the Norse Tongue."  Poem. Written 1761. Pub. 1768.
_____. "The Descent of Odin." Poem. Poem. Written 1761. Pub. 1768.
_____. Poems. 1768.

 _____. Journal in the Lakes. Written 1769, pub. 1775.
_____.  Journal in France. Written 1739. Posthumous.


Leeremos de Gray el poema incluido en las fotocopias, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard".



Other poets of the "age of sensibility", the Graveyard School and pre-Romantics:


James Thomson, The Seasons. 1730.


Edward Young, Night Thoughts. 1745.


William Collins, "Ode to Evening." 1746. 

William Cowper, The Task. 1775.

____. "The Castaway". 1799. 


James MacPherson. The Works of Ossian son of Fingal. 1765.


Thomas Chatterton. Poems, Supposed to Have Been Written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley. 1777. 


NIVEL AVANZADO:  Gray y sus coetáneos




15 de noviembre: Textos de Defoe y Swift

16 de noviembre: El plan es hablar de Richardson, Fielding y Sterne. Si llegamos a tanto, pero hay que ir deprisa.



En la sección B (Siglo XX, estudio fuera de aula) seguimos añadiendo materiales, ya para dar fin a la Unidad 7.





Laurence Sterne (1713-1768)

English novelist, b. Ireland, studied in Cambridge; Anglican priest in Yorkshire, unfortunate and scandalous marriage; follower of Rabelais and Cervantes; of Burton, Locke and Swift; satirical and sentimental prose writer, humourist student of character and experimental psychological novelist; parodist of pedantry and erudition combined with sexual allusions; he often appears as 'Yorick' in his works; success with Tristram Shandy, unhappy love story with 'Eliza'; travelled in Europe with poor health.
_____. A Political Romance. 1759.
_____. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.  Novel. 9 vols. 1759-67.
_____. Sermons. 7 vols. 1760-1769.
_____. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, by Mr Yorick. Travel book. 1761.
_____. Letters from Yorick to Eliza. 1773.

Some introductory notes on Sterne.

Tenemos en las fotocopias una selección de páginas de Tristram Shandy.


- Daiches on Sterne

- La aporía temporal de Tristram Shandy

Otros novelistas significativos de finales del siglo XVIII son:

Frances Burney, Evelina. 1778.

_____. Cecilia.  1782. 


- Tobias Smollett (Humphry Clinker)
- Ann Radcliffe (The Mysteries of Udolpho)

- William Godwin (Caleb Williams)

Mullan, John. "The Rise of the Novel." British Library 21 June 2018.*


HENRY  FIELDING         (1707-1754)

_____. The Author's Farce And the Pleasures of the Town. 1730.
_____. The Tragedy of Tragedies, or Tom Thumb the Great. 1731.
_____. The Covent Garden Tragedy. 1732.
_____. The Mock Doctor. 1732. Adaptation of Molière's Le Médecin Malgré Lui.
_____. The Miser. 1733. Adaptation of Molière's L'Avare.
_____. Don Quixote in England. Comedy. 1736.
_____. Pasquin. Farce. 1737.
_____. The Historical Register for the Year 1736. Farce. 1737.
_____. The Champion. Periodical. 1739.
_____. (Attr.). An Apology for the Life of Mrs Shamela Andrews, etc., by Conny Keyber. Parody. 1741.
_____. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, and of His Friend Mr Abraham Adams: Written in Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes, Author of "Don Quixote". Novel. 1742.
_____. A Journey from this World to the Next. Menippean satire. In Miscellanies.Vol. 2. 1743.
_____. The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great. Novel. In Fielding, Miscellanies. Vol. 3. 1743.
_____. The True Patriot. Periodical. 1745-46.
_____. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. Novel. 1749.
_____. Amelia. Novel. 1751.
_____. The Covent-Garden Journal. Periodical. 1752.
_____. Proposal for Making an Effectual Provision for the Poor. 1753.
_____. A Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. 1754.

Fielding was an English novelist, dramatist and journalist; gentleman; st. Leiden; lawyer and anti-Walpole satirist; social reformer; novelist "in the style of Cervantes"; Westminster magistrate, severe illness, d. Lisbon. Some notes here.

En las fotocopias hay una selección de capítulos de Tom Jones  (I.1-5, pp. 51-61; I.9-10, 144-49; VII.1-3, 299-305)


NIVEL AVANZADO: An audio introduction to Tom Jones.

William Hogarth, "Canvassing for Votes"




SAMUEL RICHARDSON     (1689-1761)

Major English novelist, began as London printer apprentice, later prosperous self-made businessman; family man, distressed by death of many children and wife; remarried, had nervous disorders; master printer of London and bourgeois novelist; developed sentimental epistolary novel with psychological and "feminist" interest. 

_____. Letters Written to and for Particular Friends, on the most important Occasions. Directing not only the Requisite Style and Forms to be observed in Writing Familiar Letters; but how to think and act justly and prudently, in the common Concerns of Human Life. 1741.
_____. [Unsigned] Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded.  Novel. 1740.
_____. Pamela in Her Exalted Condition. Novel. 1741.
_____. Clarissa, or, The History of a Young Lady.  Novel. 8 vols. 1747-48. 
_____. The History of Sir Charles Grandison. Novel. 1753-4.

Tenéis en las fotocopias una selección de Pamela (letters i-xii, pp. 43-57)



Some notes here: 




Un audio de la BBC (In Our Time) sobre Epistolary Fiction.


A Yahoo:

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745).

_____. The Battle of the Books.
_____.  A Tale of a Tub.  Satire. Written 1696-8. Pub.1704, 1710.
_____, ed. The Examiner (Bolingbroke’s Tory newspaper). 1710. Written 1696-8. Pub. 1704.
_____. Journal to Stella. 1710-1713. Pub. 1766-8.
_____. Proposal for the Universal Use of Irish Manufacture. Pamphlet. 1720.
_____. Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver. Written 1721-25. London, 1726. (a.k.a. Gulliver's Travels)
_____. The Drapier's Letters. Pamphlet series. 1724.
_____. A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country. 1729.
_____. "Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift." Satire. 1731, pub. 1739.
_____. Works. 4 vols. Dublin: George Faulkner, 1735.

Some notes on Swift and on other prose writers of the early 18th c.


NIVEL AVANZADO: A lecture on Jonathan Swift's life and world.

Cazamian: Universal Criticism: Arbuthnot and Swift



Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)  (Daniel Foe to 1695)

_____. An Essay upon Projects.  1697.
_____. Enquiry into the Occasional Conformity of Dissenters. Pamphlet. 1698.
_____. Legion's Memorial to the House of Commons. Pamphlet. 1701.
_____. The True-Born Englishman.  Satirical poem. 1701.
_____. The Shortest Way with the Dissenters. Hoax pamphlet. 1702.
_____. Hymn to the Pillory. Satirical poem. 1702.
_____. The Review. Journalism. 1704-13.
_____. True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal.
Tale. 1706.
_____. Mercator, or Commerce Retriev'd. Journal. 1713-14.
_____. The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,of York, Mariner. Memoir novel. 1719. 
_____. The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: Being the Second and Last Part of his Life. Narrative. 1719.
_____. Serious Reflections during the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: With his Vision of the Angelick World.  1720.
_____. The Memoirs of a Cavalier. Memoir novel. 1720.
_____.  Captain Singleton.  Memoir novel.  1720.
_____. The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders. Memoir novel. 1722. 
_____.  Colonel Jacque.  Memoir novel.  1722.
_____. A Journal of the Plague Year. Apocryphal memoir. 1722.
_____. Religious Courtship. Moral treatise. 1722.
_____. Roxana, The Fortunate Mistress. Memoir novel. 1724.
_____. A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain. Guide book.  3 vols. 1724-26.
_____. The Complete English Tradesman. Non-fiction. 1726.
_____. A Plan of the English Commerce. Non-fiction. 1728.
_____. The Complete English Gentleman.  Non-fiction. 1729, pub. 1890.


Some notes on Daniel Defoe and his works.

Un clásico del cine aragonés sobre la novela más famosa de Defoe. Robinson Crusoe,  de Luis Buñuel (1952).

Una introducción panorámica a la historia y expansión del Imperio Británico.

-  Un audio de la BBC sobre Robinson Crusoe (In Our Time).
- Queen Anne Prose (notes from Saintsbury). 

Alexander Pope:

Some works by

ALEXANDER POPE     (1688-1744)

(English poet, son of a Catholic businessman; small and crook-backed, poor health; l. unmarried in Twickenham; Catholic/deist, associated first with Whigs and soon with Scriblerus club of Tory satirists; friend of Gay, Swift, Arbuthnot, Bolingbroke; quarrelsome man of letters, conservative Tory critic of men and manners; neoclassical model in English poetry after Dryden)

_____. Pastorals. 1709.
_____.  An Essay on Criticism.  1711. 
_____. The Rape of the Lock. First version. 1712. Enlarged ed. 1714.
_____. "Windsor Forest." 1713.
_____, trans. Iliad. 1715-20.
_____. "Epistle of Eloisa to Abelard." Poem. 1717.
_____. The Works.  1717.
_____. "Preface to The Works of Shakespear."  1725. 
_____, trans. Odyssey. 1725-26. (In collaboration)
_____.  Peri Bathous or, The Art of Sinking in Poetry.  1727. 
_____. The Dunciad. books I-III. 1728-1743.
_____. Essay on Man. 1733-1734.  (Epistle I)
_____. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot.  Poem. 1735.
_____. Imitations of Horace. 1737.

Introductory notes to Pope.

An introduction to The Essay on Man.



Pope and his elder contemporaries in verse (Saintsbury)


SARAH EGERTON     (1670-1723)

Sarah Fyge Egerton, née Sarah Fyge, English poet of the Dryden school, outspoken feminist, precocious writer, teenage feminist; sent to the country by her parents to repress her, forced to marry Edward Field, widow, m. cousin Reverend Thomas Egerton, unsuccessfuly sued for divorce, loved Henry Pierce, object of scandal and public ridicule, forgotten as a poet and recovered by feminist critics in the 20th century.

_____. (anon.). The Female Advocate or, an Answer to a Late Satyr Against the Pride, Lust and Inconstancy, c. of Woman. Written by a Lady in Vindication of her Sex. 1686. (A verse satire published in response to Robert Gould's misogynist satire, A Late Satyr Against the Pride, Lust, and Inconstancy, etc. of Woman, 1682). 

_____. (signed S. F.). Poems on Several Occasions, Together with a Pastoral… 1703.
_____. "The Emulation."

Sarah Egerton: The Emulation

Say, tyrant Custom, why must we obey
The impositions of thy haughty sway?
From the first dawn of life unto the grave,
Poor womankind's in every state a slave,
The nurse, the mistress, parent and the swain,
For love she must, there's none escape that pain.
Then comes the last, the fatal slavery:
The husband with insulting tyranny
Can have ill manners justified by law,
For men all join to keep the wife in awe.
Moses, who first our freedom did rebuke,
Was married when he writ the Pentateuch.
They're wise to keep us slaves, for well they know,
If we were loose, we should soon make them so.
We yield like vanquished kings whom fetters bind,
When chance of war is to usurpers kind;
Submit in form; but they'd our thoughts control,
And lay restraints on the impassive soul.
They fear we should excel their sluggish parts,
Should we attempt the sciences and arts;
Pretend they were designed for them alone,
So keep us fools to raise their own renown.
Thus priests of old, their grandeur to maintain,
Cried vulgar eyes would sacred laws profane;
So kept the mysteries behind a screen:
Their homage and the name were lost had they been seen.
But in this blessèd age such freedom's given,
That every man explains the will of heaven;
And shall we women now sit tamely by,
Make no excursions in philosophy,
Or grace our thoughts in tuneful poetry?
We will our rights in learning's world maintain;
Wit's empire now shall know a female reign.
Come, all ye fair, the great attempt improve,
Divinely imitate the realms above:
There's ten celestial females govern wit,
And but two gods that dare pretend to it.
And shall these finite males reverse their rules?
No, we'll be wits, and then men must be fools.



Otras autoras feministas de la Restauración y 1700 (NIVEL AVANZADO)


Nuestros primeros autores en este tema, el 8 de noviembre, serán Milton, Rochester y Dryden

JOHN DRYDEN     (1631-1700)

English man of letters, b. Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire; st. Westminster School and Trinity College, Cambridge; Parliamentarian protestant background, soon Anglican Royalist courtier, converted to catholicism 1686; successful playwright, Poet Laureate 1668; Historiographer 1670; Tory satirist and polemicist vs. Whigs; lost jobs in 1688 Revolution; then jacobite; neoclassical critic and translator; influential dramatist, poet and critic, d. London; buried at Westminster Abbey after some grotesque incidents.

_____. "A Poem upon the Death of His Late Highness, Oliver, Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland." 1659.
_____. Astraea Redux. A Poem on the Happy Restoration and Return of his Sacred Majesty Charles the Second. Poem. 1660.
_____. "To His Sacred Majesty, A Panegyrick on his Coronation." 1661.
_____. The Rival Ladies. Tragicomedy. 1664.
_____. The Indian Emperor, or The Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Heroic drama. 1665.
_____.  Annus Mirabilis, The Year of wonders, 1666. An Historical Poem: containing the Progress and various Successes of our Naval War with Holland, under the Conduct of His Highness Prince Rupert (...)  And describing the Fire of London.  1667.
_____. The Tempest, or The Enchanted Island.  Operatic adaptation, with William Davenant. 1667, pr. 1670.
_____.  Of Dramatic Poesy: An Essay.  1668. 
_____. Tyrannick love, or , The Royal Martyr. Heroic play 1669.
_____. Almanzor and Almahide, or The Conquest of Granada. Heroic play. 2 parts, 1669, 1670. Pub. 1672.
_____. Marriage à la Mode. Comedy 1672.
_____. Aureng-Zebe. Heroic play. 1676.
_____. All for Love; or, The World Well Lost. Tragedy. 1677, pr. 1678.
_____. Mac-Flecknoe, or A Satyr upon the True-Blew-Protestant Poet, T. S. [Thomas Shadwell] Satire. 1676, pub. 1682.
_____. The Spanish Fryar, or The Double Discovery.  Tragicomedy. 1680.
_____.  (Anon.) Absalom and Achitophel.  (1st part). Satirical poem. 1681.
_____. The Medall. A Satyre against Sedition. By the Author of Absalom and Achitophel. Poem. 1682.
_____. Religio Laici.  Poem. 1682.
_____. To the Pious Memory of Mrs. Anne Killigrew. Poem. 1686.
_____. The Hind and the Panther. A Poem.  1687.
_____. Song for St. Cecilia's Day.  1687. Set by Draghi in 1687.
_____. King Arthur or The British Worthy. Dramatic opera. Music by Purcell. 1691.
_____, trans. Aeneis. By Virgil. 1697.
_____.  Fables Ancient and Modern, Translated into Verse from Homer, Virgil, Boccacce, and Chaucer.  1699.

Dryden, John, and William Soames, trans. Art Poétique. By Boileau. 1683.

Cosas de Dryden:

Unas notas sobre su figura y obra...  la primera mitad puede que os sirva, el resto es NIVEL AVANZADO.
O podéis mirar mejor su página de Luminarium. Eso vale para todos estos autores.  

- John Dryden y sus colaboraciones musicales.


NIVEL AVANZADO: Restoration drama.

- Purcell — Dido and Aeneas

Este siglo aparece la ópera. Purcell es quizá el mayor compositor inglés. Aquí otra versión reciente de Dido & Aeneas

- The Theatre of the Restoration notes from A History of English Literature, by Legouis and Cazamian.


John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester  (1647-1680)

2nd Earl of Rochester, b. Ditchley, Oxfordshire, son of the 1st Earl of Rochester; scandalous court wit and erotic poet under Charles II, rake and hooligan; destroyed his health through drink and sex; atheist and misanthropist, skeptic philosophical poet, libertine converted to Christian devotion before his death, d. London.

_____. "A Satyr against Reason and Mankind." Satire.
_____. "The Imperfect Enjoyment." Poem.
_____. "The Disabled Debauchee." Poem.
_____. "The Fall."  Poem.
_____. "A Satyr on Charles II." Poem.
_____. Poems on Several Occasions... 1680.
_____. "Upon Nothing." 1711.


Esta es la página de Rochester en Luminariumcon obras, crítica, etc. Es especialmente recomendable la Satire against Reason and Mankind. 

Unas notas complementarias sobre Rochester. 


Una breve biografía y algunas obras de Milton. Por cierto, bibliografías más completas de todos estos autores se encuentran en

JOHN MILTON         (1608-1674)

English poet, son of a London musician and scrivener; studied in Christ's College, Cambridge, BA 1628, MA 1632; turned vs. Anglicanism, then private study at father's house in Buckinghamshire; tour of Italy late 30s; private tutor and active Protestant pamphleteer and polemicist in London; married  Mary Powell, of Royalist family, 1643, estranged for some time, advocated divorce; reconciliation with wife; austere and authoritarian patriarch, militant masculinist, 

Independent critic of Presbyterians, Latin secretary to the Commonwealth, supported regicide, apologist of Cromwell; blind 1652; wife died after childbirth, son died, 3 surviving daughters; m. Katharine Woodcock, died after childbirth; m. Elizabeth Minshull after Restoration (no surviving children from later wives); 

Milton protected Royalists under war and Commonwealth and was protected by Davenant and Marvell after the Restoration: fined but pardoned; abandoned political activity, private life as man of letters, historian, theologian and neoclassical poet, helped by his family and visitors, organ player for recreation.

Early works:

  _____."On the Morning of Christ's Nativity. Compos'd 1629." Ode. In Poems. 1645.
_____. "On Shakespeare" Sonnet. 1630.
_____. "L'Allegro" /"Il Penseroso." Poems. c. 1631.
_____. Comus. Masque. 1634.
_____. "Lycidas." Pastoral elegy. 1637.

_____. Poems / of / Mr. John Milton, / both / English and Latin, / Compos'd at Several Times. / 1645.

Middle Works

 _____. Of Reformation Touching Church Discipline in England. 1641.
_____. The Reason of Church Government Urg'd Against Prelaty, by Mr. John Milton. 1641-42.
_____. The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. 1643.
_____. Areopagitica: A Speech of Mr John Milton For the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing, To the Parliament of England. 1644.
_____. "On the new forcers of Conscience under the Long PARLIAMENT." Expanded sonnet. c. 1646.
_____. The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. 1649.
_____. EIKONOCLASTES. 1649.
_____. Pro populo Anglicano Defensio. Political pamphlet. 1651.
_____. "Cromwell, our Chief of Men." Sonnet. Pub. 1694.
_____. "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent." Sonnet. c. 1652.
_____. "On the late Massacher in Piedmont." Sonnet.  1655.
_____. "Methought I saw my late espoused Saint."  Sonnet. 1658.


Late works:

 _____. PARADISE LOST. Epic poem in 10 books, 1667. Rev. in 12 books, 1674.
_____.  History of Britain. 1670.
_____. PARADISE / REGAIN'D. / A / POEM. / In IV BOOKS. / To which is added / SAMSON AGONISTES. 1671.


John Milton: Paradise Lost

From Book 1 

Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,
Sing, Heavenly Muse, that, on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed
In the beginning how the heavens and earth
Rose out of Chaos: or, if Sion hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flowed
Fast by the oracle of God, I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventurous song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th' Aonian mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.
And chiefly Thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all temples th' upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first
Wast present, and, with mighty wings outspread,
Dove-like sat'st brooding on the vast Abyss,
And mad'st it pregnant: what in me is dark
Illumine, what is low raise and support;
That, to the height of this great argument,
I may assert Eternal Providence,
And justify the ways of God to men.


Materiales sobre John Milton en Internet abundan:

- "John Milton (1608-1674)." en Luminarium.

- Spark Notes: Paradise Lost

—y un audio de la BBC de Adam Nicolson. 

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (Selection)


Mary Wollstonecraft





After considering the historic page, and viewing the living world with anxious solicitude, the most melancholy emotions of sorrowful indignation have depressed my spirits, and I have sighed when obliged to confess, that either nature has made a great difference between man and man, or that the civilization, which has hitherto taken place in the world, has been very partial. I have turned over various books written on the subject of education, and patiently observed the conduct of parents and the management of schools; but what has been the result? a profound conviction, that the neglected education of my fellow creatures is the grand source of the misery I deplore; and that women in particular, are rendered weak and wretched by a variety of concurring causes, originating from one hasty conclusion. The conduct and manners of women, in fact, evidently prove, that their minds are not in a healthy state; for, like the flowers that are planted in too rich a soil, strength and usefulness are sacrificed to beauty; and the flaunting leaves, after having pleased a fastidious eye, fade, disregarded on the stalk, long before the season when they ought to have arrived at maturity. One cause of this barren blooming I attribute to a false system of education, gathered from the books written on this subject by men, who, considering females rather as women than human creatures, have been more anxious to make them alluring mistresses than rational wives; and the understanding of the sex has been so bubbled by this specious homage, that the civilized women of the present century, with a few exceptions, are only anxious to inspire love, when they ought to cherish a nobler ambition, and by their abilities and virtues exact respect.


In a treatise, therefore, on female rights and manners, the works which have been particularly written for their improvement must not be overlooked; especially when it is asserted, in direct terms, that the minds of women are enfeebled by false refinement; that the books of instruction, written by men of genius, have had the same tendency as more frivolous productions; and that, in the true style of Mahometanism, they are only considered as females, and not as a part of the human species, when improvable reason is allowed to be the dignified distinction, which raises men above the brute creation, and puts a natural sceptre in a feeble hand.


Yet, because I am a woman, I would not lead my readers to suppose, that I mean violently to agitate the contested question respecting the equality and inferiority of the sex; but as the subject lies in my way, and I cannot pass it over without subjecting the main tendency of my reasoning to misconstruction, I shall stop a moment to deliver, in a few words, my opinion. In the government of the physical world, it is observable that the female, in general, is inferior to the male. The male pursues, the female yields—this is the law of nature; and it does not appear to be suspended or abrogated in favour of woman. This physical superiority cannot be denied—and it is a noble prerogative! But not content with this natural pre-eminence, men endeavour to sink us still lower, merely to render us alluring objects for a moment; and women, intoxicated by the adoration which men, under the influence of their senses, pay them, do not seek to obtain a durable interest in their hearts, or to become the friends of the fellow creatures who find amusement in their society.


I am aware of an obvious inference: from every quarter have I heard exclamations against masculine women; but where are they to be found? If, by this appellation, men mean to inveigh against their ardour in hunting, shooting, and gaming, I shall most cordially join in the cry; but if it be, against the imitation of manly virtues, or, more properly speaking, the attainment of those talents and virtues, the exercise of which ennobles the human character, and which raise females in the scale of animal being, when they are comprehensively termed mankind—all those who view them with a philosophical eye must, I should think, wish with me, that they may every day grow more and more masculine.


This discussion naturally divides the subject. I shall first consider women in the grand light of human creatures, who, in common with men, are placed on this earth to unfold their faculties; and afterwards I shall more particularly point out their peculiar designation.


I wish also to steer clear of an error, which many respectable writers have fallen into; for the instruction which has hitherto been addressed to women, has rather been applicable to LADIES, if the little indirect advice, that is scattered through Sandford and Merton, be excepted; but, addressing my sex in a firmer tone, I pay particular attention to those in the middle class, because they appear to be in the most natural state. Perhaps the seeds of false refinement, immorality, and vanity have ever been shed by the great. Weak, artificial beings raised above the common wants and affections of their race, in a premature unnatural manner, undermine the very foundation of virtue, and spread corruption through the whole mass of society! As a class of mankind they have the strongest claim to pity! the education of the rich tends to render them vain and helpless, and the unfolding mind is not strengthened by the practice of those duties which dignify the human character. They only live to amuse themselves, and by the same law which in nature invariably produces certain effects, they soon only afford barren amusement.


But as I purpose taking a separate view of the different ranks of society, and of the moral character of women, in each, this hint is, for the present, sufficient; and I have only alluded to the subject, because it appears to me to be the very essence of an introduction to give a cursory account of the contents of the work it introduces.


My own sex, I hope, will excuse me, if I treat them like rational creatures, instead of flattering their FASCINATING graces, and viewing them as if they were in a state of perpetual childhood, unable to stand alone. I earnestly wish to point out in what true dignity and human happiness consists—I wish to persuade women to endeavour to acquire strength, both of mind and body, and to convince them, that the soft phrases, susceptibility of heart, delicacy of sentiment, and refinement of taste, are almost synonymous with epithets of weakness, and that those beings who are only the objects of pity and that kind of love, which has been termed its sister, will soon become objects of contempt.

Dismissing then those pretty feminine phrases, which the men condescendingly use to soften our slavish dependence, and despising that weak elegancy of mind, exquisite sensibility, and sweet docility of manners, supposed to be the sexual characteristics of the weaker vessel, I wish to show that elegance is inferior to virtue, that the first object of laudable ambition is to obtain a character as a human being, regardless of the distinction of sex; and that secondary views should be brought to this simple touchstone.


This is a rough sketch of my plan; and should I express my conviction with the energetic emotions that I feel whenever I think of the subject, the dictates of experience and reflection will be felt by some of my readers. Animated by this important object, I shall disdain to cull my phrases or polish my style—I aim at being useful, and sincerity will render me unaffected; for wishing rather to persuade by the force of my arguments, than dazzle by the elegance of my language, I shall not waste my time in rounding periods, nor in fabricating the turgid bombast of artificial feelings, which, coming from the head, never reach the heart. I shall be employed about things, not words! and, anxious to render my sex more respectable members of society, I shall try to avoid that flowery diction which has slided from essays into novels, and from novels into familiar letters and conversation.

These pretty nothings, these caricatures of the real beauty of sensibility, dropping glibly from the tongue, vitiate the taste, and create a kind of sickly delicacy that turns away from simple unadorned truth; and a deluge of false sentiments and over-stretched feelings, stifling the natural emotions of the heart, render the domestic pleasures insipid, that ought to sweeten the exercise of those severe duties, which educate a rational and immortal being for a nobler field of action.


The education of women has, of late, been more attended to than formerly; yet they are still reckoned a frivolous sex, and ridiculed or pitied by the writers who endeavour by satire or instruction to improve them. It is acknowledged that they spend many of the first years of their lives in acquiring a smattering of accomplishments: meanwhile, strength of body and mind are sacrificed to libertine notions of beauty, to the desire of establishing themselves, the only way women can rise in the world—by marriage. And this desire making mere animals of them, when they marry, they act as such children may be expected to act: they dress; they paint, and nickname God's creatures. Surely these weak beings are only fit for the seraglio! Can they govern a family, or take care of the poor babes whom they bring into the world?


If then it can be fairly deduced from the present conduct of the sex, from the prevalent fondness for pleasure, which takes place of ambition and those nobler passions that open and enlarge the soul; that the instruction which women have received has only tended, with the constitution of civil society, to render them insignificant objects of desire; mere propagators of fools! if it can be proved, that in aiming to accomplish them, without cultivating their understandings, they are taken out of their sphere of duties, and made ridiculous and useless when the short lived bloom of beauty is over*, I presume that RATIONAL men will excuse me for endeavouring to persuade them to become more masculine and respectable.


(*Footnote. A lively writer, I cannot recollect his name, asks what business women turned of forty have to do in the world.)


Indeed the word masculine is only a bugbear: there is little reason to fear that women will acquire too much courage or fortitude; for their apparent inferiority with respect to bodily strength, must render them, in some degree, dependent on men in the various relations of life; but why should it be increased by prejudices that give a sex to virtue, and confound simple truths with sensual reveries?

Women are, in fact, so much degraded by mistaken notions of female excellence, that I do not mean to add a paradox when I assert, that this artificial weakness produces a propensity to tyrannize, and gives birth to cunning, the natural opponent of strength, which leads them to play off those contemptible infantile airs that undermine esteem even whilst they excite desire. Do not foster these prejudices, and they will naturally fall into their subordinate, yet respectable station in life.

It seems scarcely necessary to say, that I now speak of the sex in general. Many individuals have more sense than their male relatives; and, as nothing preponderates where there is a constant struggle for an equilibrium, without it has naturally more gravity, some women govern their husbands without degrading themselves, because intellect will always govern.








To account for, and excuse the tyranny of man, many ingenious arguments have been brought forward to prove, that the two sexes, in the acquirement of virtue, ought to aim at attaining a very different character: or, to speak explicitly, women are not allowed to have sufficient strength of mind to acquire what really deserves the name of virtue. Yet it should seem, allowing them to have souls, that there is but one way appointed by providence to lead MANKIND to either virtue or happiness.


If then women are not a swarm of ephemeron triflers, why should they be kept in ignorance under the specious name of innocence? Men complain, and with reason, of the follies and caprices of our sex, when they do not keenly satirize our headstrong passions and groveling vices. Behold, I should answer, the natural effect of ignorance! The mind will ever be unstable that has only prejudices to rest on, and the current will run with destructive fury when there are no barriers to break its force. Women are told from their infancy, and taught by the example of their mothers, that a little knowledge of human weakness, justly termed cunning, softness of temper, OUTWARD obedience, and a scrupulous attention to a puerile kind of propriety, will obtain for them the protection of man; and should they be beautiful, every thing else is needless, for at least twenty years of their lives.


Thus Milton describes our first frail mother; though when he tells us that women are formed for softness and sweet attractive grace, I cannot comprehend his meaning, unless, in the true Mahometan strain, he meant to deprive us of souls, and insinuate that we were beings only designed by sweet attractive grace, and docile blind obedience, to gratify the senses of man when he can no longer soar on the wing of contemplation.


How grossly do they insult us, who thus advise us only to render ourselves gentle, domestic brutes! For instance, the winning softness, so warmly, and frequently recommended, that governs by obeying. What childish expressions, and how insignificant is the being—can it be an immortal one? who will condescend to govern by such sinister methods! "Certainly," says Lord Bacon, "man is of kin to the beasts by his body: and if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and ignoble creature!" Men, indeed, appear to me to act in a very unphilosophical manner, when they try to secure the good conduct of women by attempting to keep them always in a state of childhood. Rousseau was more consistent when he wished to stop the progress of reason in both sexes; for if men eat of the tree of knowledge, women will come in for a taste: but, from the imperfect cultivation which their understandings now receive, they only attain a knowledge of evil.


Children, I grant, should be innocent; but when the epithet is applied to men, or women, it is but a civil term for weakness. For if it be allowed that women were destined by Providence to acquire human virtues, and by the exercise of their understandings, that stability of character which is the firmest ground to rest our future hopes upon, they must be permitted to turn to the fountain of light, and not forced to shape their course by the twinkling of a mere satellite. Milton, I grant, was of a very different opinion; for he only bends to the indefeasible right of beauty, though it would be difficult to render two passages, which I now mean to contrast, consistent: but into similar inconsistencies are great men often led by their senses:—


"To whom thus Eve with perfect beauty adorned:
My author and disposer, what thou bidst
Unargued I obey; so God ordains;
God is thy law, thou mine; to know no more
Is woman's happiest knowledge and her praise."


These are exactly the arguments that I have used to children; but I have added, "Your reason is now gaining strength, and, till it arrives at some degree of maturity, you must look up to me for advice: then you ought to THINK, and only rely on God."

Yet, in the following lines, Milton seems to coincide with me, when he makes Adam thus expostulate with his Maker:—


"Hast thou not made me here thy substitute,
And these inferior far beneath me set?
Among unequals what society
Can sort, what harmony or delight?
Which must be mutual, in proportion due
Given and received; but in disparity
The one intense, the other still remiss
Cannot well suit with either, but soon prove
Tedious alike: of fellowship I speak
Such as I seek fit to participate
All rational delight."


In treating, therefore, of the manners of women, let us, disregarding sensual arguments, trace what we should endeavour to make them in order to co-operate, if the expression be not too bold, with the Supreme Being.


By individual education, I mean—for the sense of the word is not precisely defined—such an attention to a child as will slowly sharpen the senses, form the temper, regulate the passions, as they begin to ferment, and set the understanding to work before the body arrives at maturity; so that the man may only have to proceed, not to begin, the important task of learning to think and reason.


To prevent any misconstruction, I must add, that I do not believe that a private education can work the wonders which some sanguine writers have attributed to it. Men and women must be educated, in a great degree, by the opinions and manners of the society they live in. In every age there has been a stream of popular opinion that has carried all before it, and given a family character, as it were, to the century. It may then fairly be inferred, that, till society be differently constituted, much cannot be expected from education. It is, however, sufficient for my present purpose to assert, that, whatever effect circumstances have on the abilities, every being may become virtuous by the exercise of its own reason; for if but one being was created with vicious inclinations—that is, positively bad— what can save us from atheism? or if we worship a God, is not that God a devil?


Consequently, the most perfect education, in my opinion, is such an exercise of the understanding as is best calculated to strengthen the body and form the heart; or, in other words, to enable the individual to attain such habits of virtue as will render it independent. In fact, it is a farce to call any being virtuous whose virtues do not result from the exercise of its own reason. This was Rousseau's opinion respecting men: I extend it to women, and confidently assert that they have been drawn out of their sphere by false refinement, and not by an endeavour to acquire masculine qualities. Still the regal homage which they receive is so intoxicating, that, till the manners of the times are changed, and formed on more reasonable principles, it may be impossible to convince them that the illegitimate power, which they obtain by degrading themselves, is a curse, and that they must return to nature and equality, if they wish to secure the placid satisfaction that unsophisticated affections impart. But for this epoch we must wait—wait, perhaps, till kings and nobles, enlightened by reason, and, preferring the real dignity of man to childish state, throw off their gaudy hereditary trappings; and if then women do not resign the arbitrary power of beauty, they will prove that they have LESS mind than man. I may be accused of arrogance; still I must declare, what I firmly believe, that all the writers who have written on the subject of female education and manners, from Rousseau to Dr. Gregory, have contributed to render women more artificial, weaker characters, than they would otherwise have been; and, consequently, more useless members of society. I might have expressed this conviction in a lower key; but I am afraid it would have been the whine of affectation, and not the faithful expression of my feelings, of the clear result, which experience and reflection have led me to draw. When I come to that division of the subject, I shall advert to the passages that I more particularly disapprove of, in the works of the authors I have just alluded to; but it is first necessary to observe, that my objection extends to the whole purport of those books, which tend, in my opinion, to degrade one half of the human species, and render women pleasing at the expense of every solid virtue.


Though to reason on Rousseau's ground, if man did attain a degree of perfection of mind when his body arrived at maturity, it might be proper in order to make a man and his wife ONE, that she should rely entirely on his understanding; and the graceful ivy, clasping the oak that supported it, would form a whole in which strength and beauty would be equally conspicuous. But, alas! husbands, as well as their helpmates, are often only overgrown children; nay, thanks to early debauchery, scarcely men in their outward form, and if the blind lead the blind, one need not come from heaven to tell us the consequence.


Many are the causes that, in the present corrupt state of society, contribute to enslave women by cramping their understandings and sharpening their senses. One, perhaps, that silently does more mischief than all the rest, is their disregard of order.

To do every thing in an orderly manner, is a most important precept, which women, who, generally speaking, receive only a disorderly kind of education, seldom attend to with that degree of exactness that men, who from their infancy are broken into method, observe. This negligent kind of guesswork, for what other epithet can be used to point out the random exertions of a sort of instinctive common sense, never brought to the test of reason? prevents their generalizing matters of fact, so they do to-day, what they did yesterday, merely because they did it yesterday.


This contempt of the understanding in early life has more baneful consequences than is commonly supposed; for the little knowledge which women of strong minds attain, is, from various circumstances, of a more desultory kind than the knowledge of men, and it is acquired more by sheer observations on real life, than from comparing what has been individually observed with the results of experience generalized by speculation. Led by their dependent situation and domestic employments more into society, what they learn is rather by snatches; and as learning is with them, in general, only a secondary thing, they do not pursue any one branch with that persevering ardour necessary to give vigour to the faculties, and clearness to the judgment. In the present state of society, a little learning is required to support the character of a gentleman; and boys are obliged to submit to a few years of discipline. But in the education of women the cultivation of the understanding is always subordinate to the acquirement of some corporeal accomplishment; even while enervated by confinement and false notions of modesty, the body is prevented from attaining that grace and beauty which relaxed half-formed limbs never exhibit. Besides, in youth their faculties are not brought forward by emulation; and having no serious scientific study, if they have natural sagacity it is turned too soon on life and manners. They dwell on effects, and modifications, without tracing them back to causes; and complicated rules to adjust behaviour are a weak substitute for simple principles.


As a proof that education gives this appearance of weakness to females, we may instance the example of military men, who are, like them, sent into the world before their minds have been stored with knowledge or fortified by principles. The consequences are similar; soldiers acquire a little superficial knowledge, snatched from the muddy current of conversation, and, from continually mixing with society, they gain, what is termed a knowledge of the world; and this acquaintance with manners and customs has frequently been confounded with a knowledge of the human heart. But can the crude fruit of casual observation, never brought to the test of judgment, formed by comparing speculation and experience, deserve such a distinction? Soldiers, as well as women, practice the minor virtues with punctilious politeness. Where is then the sexual difference, when the education has been the same; all the difference that I can discern, arises from the superior advantage of liberty which enables the former to see more of life.


It is wandering from my present subject, perhaps, to make a political remark; but as it was produced naturally by the train of my reflections, I shall not pass it silently over.


Standing armies can never consist of resolute, robust men; they may be well disciplined machines, but they will seldom contain men under the influence of strong passions or with very vigorous faculties. And as for any depth of understanding, I will venture to affirm, that it is as rarely to be found in the army as amongst women; and the cause, I maintain, is the same. It may be further observed, that officers are also particularly attentive to their persons, fond of dancing, crowded rooms, adventures, and ridicule. Like the FAIR sex, the business of their lives is gallantry. They were taught to please, and they only live to please. Yet they do not lose their rank in the distinction of sexes, for they are still reckoned superior to women, though in what their superiority consists, beyond what I have just mentioned, it is difficult to discover.

The great misfortune is this, that they both acquire manners before morals, and a knowledge of life before they have from reflection, any acquaintance with the grand ideal outline of human nature. The consequence is natural; satisfied with common nature, they become a prey to prejudices, and taking all their opinions on credit, they blindly submit to authority. So that if they have any sense, it is a kind of instinctive glance, that catches proportions, and decides with respect to manners; but fails when arguments are to be pursued below the surface, or opinions analyzed.


May not the same remark be applied to women? Nay, the argument may be carried still further, for they are both thrown out of a useful station by the unnatural distinctions established in civilized life. Riches and hereditary honours have made cyphers of women to give consequence to the numerical figure; and idleness has produced a mixture of gallantry and despotism in society, which leads the very men who are the slaves of their mistresses, to tyrannize over their sisters, wives, and daughters. This is only keeping them in rank and file, it is true. Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience; but, as blind obedience is ever sought for by power, tyrants and sensualists are in the right when they endeavour to keep women in the dark, because the former only want slaves, and the latter a play-thing. The sensualist, indeed, has been the most dangerous of tyrants, and women have been duped by their lovers, as princes by their ministers, whilst dreaming that they reigned over them.


I now principally allude to Rousseau, for his character of Sophia is, undoubtedly, a captivating one, though it appears to me grossly unnatural; however, it is not the superstructure, but the foundation of her character, the principles on which her education was built, that I mean to attack; nay, warmly as I admire the genius of that able writer, whose opinions I shall often have occasion to cite, indignation always takes place of admiration, and the rigid frown of insulted virtue effaces the smile of complacency, which his eloquent periods are wont to raise, when I read his voluptuous reveries. Is this the man, who, in his ardour for virtue, would banish all the soft arts of peace, and almost carry us back to Spartan discipline? Is this the man who delights to paint the useful struggles of passion, the triumphs of good dispositions, and the heroic flights which carry the glowing soul out of itself? How are these mighty sentiments lowered when he describes the prettyfoot and enticing airs of his little favourite! But, for the present, I waive the subject, and, instead of severely reprehending the transient effusions of overweening sensibility, I shall only observe, that whoever has cast a benevolent eye on society, must often have been gratified by the sight of humble mutual love, not dignified by sentiment, nor strengthened by a union in intellectual pursuits. The domestic trifles of the day have afforded matter for cheerful converse, and innocent caresses have softened toils which did not require great exercise of mind, or stretch of thought: yet, has not the sight of this moderate felicity excited more tenderness than respect? An emotion similar to what we feel when children are playing, or animals sporting, whilst the contemplation of the noble struggles of suffering merit has raised admiration, and carried our thoughts to that world where sensation will give place to reason.


Women are, therefore, to be considered either as moral beings, or so weak that they must be entirely subjected to the superior faculties of men.

Let us examine this question. Rousseau declares, that a woman should never, for a moment feel herself independent, that she should be governed by fear to exercise her NATURAL cunning, and made a coquetish slave in order to render her a more alluring object of desire, a SWEETER companion to man, whenever he chooses to relax himself. He carries the arguments, which he pretends to draw from the indications of nature, still further, and insinuates that truth and fortitude the corner stones of all human virtue, shall be cultivated with certain restrictions, because with respect to the female character, obedience is the grand lesson which ought to be impressed with unrelenting rigour.

What nonsense! When will a great man arise with sufficient strength of mind to puff away the fumes which pride and sensuality have thus spread over the subject! If women are by nature inferior to men, their virtues must be the same in quality, if not in degree, or virtue is a relative idea; consequently, their conduct should be founded on the same principles, and have the same aim.


Connected with man as daughters, wives, and mothers, their moral character may be estimated by their manner of fulfilling those simple duties; but the end, the grand end of their exertions should be to unfold their own faculties, and acquire the dignity of conscious virtue. They may try to render their road pleasant; but ought never to forget, in common with man, that life yields not the felicity which can satisfy an immortal soul. I do not mean to insinuate, that either sex should be so lost, in abstract reflections or distant views, as to forget the affections and duties that lie before them, and are, in truth, the means appointed to produce the fruit of life; on the contrary, I would warmly recommend them, even while I assert, that they afford most satisfaction when they are considered in their true subordinate light.


Probably the prevailing opinion, that woman was created for man, may have taken its rise from Moses's poetical story; yet, as very few it is presumed, who have bestowed any serious thought on the subject, ever supposed that Eve was, literally speaking, one of Adam's ribs, the deduction must be allowed to fall to the ground; or, only be so far admitted as it proves that man, from the remotest antiquity, found it convenient to exert his strength to subjugate his companion, and his invention to show that she ought to have her neck bent under the yoke; because she as well as the brute creation, was created to do his pleasure.


Let it not be concluded, that I wish to invert the order of things; I have already granted, that, from the constitution of their bodies, men seem to be designed by Providence to attain a greater degree of virtue. I speak collectively of the whole sex; but I see not the shadow of a reason to conclude that their virtues should differ in respect to their nature. In fact, how can they, if virtue has only one eternal standard? I must, therefore, if I reason consequentially, as strenuously maintain, that they have the same simple direction, as that there is a God.


It follows then, that cunning should not be opposed to wisdom, little cares to great exertions, nor insipid softness, varnished over with the name of gentleness, to that fortitude which grand views alone can inspire.


I shall be told, that woman would then lose many of her peculiar graces, and the opinion of a well known poet might be quoted to refute my unqualified assertions. For Pope has said, in the name of the whole male sex,

"Yet ne'er so sure our passions to create,
As when she touch'd the brink of all we hate."

In what light this sally places men and women, I shall leave to the judicious to determine; meanwhile I shall content myself with observing, that I cannot discover why, unless they are mortal, females should always be degraded by being made subservient to love or lust.


To speak disrespectfully of love is, I know, high treason against sentiment and fine feelings; but I wish to speak the simple language of truth, and rather to address the head than the heart. To endeavour to reason love out of the world, would be to out Quixote Cervantes, and equally offend against common sense; but an endeavour to restrain this tumultuous passion, and to prove that it should not be allowed to dethrone superior powers, or to usurp the sceptre which the understanding should ever coolly wield, appears less wild.


Youth is the season for love in both sexes; but in those days of thoughtless enjoyment, provision should be made for the more important years of life, when reflection takes place of sensation. But Rousseau, and most of the male writers who have followed his steps, have warmly inculcated that the whole tendency of female education ought to be directed to one point to render them pleasing.

Let me reason with the supporters of this opinion, who have any knowledge of human nature, do they imagine that marriage can eradicate the habitude of life? The woman who has only been taught to please, will soon find that her charms are oblique sun-beams, and that they cannot have much effect on her husband's heart when they are seen every day, when the summer is past and gone. Will she then have sufficient native energy to look into herself for comfort, and cultivate her dormant faculties? or, is it not more rational to expect, that she will try to please other men; and, in the emotions raised by the expectation of new conquests, endeavour to forget the mortification her love or pride has received? When the husband ceases to be a lover—and the time will inevitably come, her desire of pleasing will then grow languid, or become a spring of bitterness; and love, perhaps, the most evanescent of all passions, gives place to jealousy or vanity.


I now speak of women who are restrained by principle or prejudice; such women though they would shrink from an intrigue with real abhorrence, yet, nevertheless, wish to be convinced by the homage of gallantry, that they are cruelly neglected by their husbands; or, days and weeks are spent in dreaming of the happiness enjoyed by congenial souls, till the health is undermined and the spirits broken by discontent. How then can the great art of pleasing be such a necessary study? it is only useful to a mistress; the chaste wife, and serious mother, should only consider her power to please as the polish of her virtues, and the affection of her husband as one of the comforts that render her task less difficult, and her life happier. But, whether she be loved or neglected, her first wish should be to make herself respectable, and not rely for all her happiness on a being subject to like infirmities with herself.


The amiable Dr. Gregory fell into a similar error. I respect his heart; but entirely disapprove of his celebrated Legacy to his Daughters.

He advises them to cultivate a fondness for dress, because a fondness for dress, he asserts, is natural to them. I am unable to comprehend what either he or Rousseau mean, when they frequently use this indefinite term. If they told us, that in a pre-existent state the soul was fond of dress, and brought this inclination with it into a new body, I should listen to them with a half smile, as I often do when I hear a rant about innate elegance. But if he only meant to say that the exercise of the faculties will produce this fondness, I deny it. It is not natural; but arises, like false ambition in men, from a love of power.

Dr. Gregory goes much further; he actually recommends dissimulation, and advises an innocent girl to give the lie to her feelings, and not dance with spirit, when gaiety of heart would make her feet eloquent, without making her gestures immodest. In the name of truth and common sense, why should not one woman acknowledge that she can take more exercise than another? or, in other words, that she has a sound constitution; and why to damp innocent vivacity, is she darkly to be told, that men will draw conclusions which she little thinks of? Let the libertine draw what inference he pleases; but, I hope, that no sensible mother will restrain the natural frankness of youth, by instilling such indecent cautions. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh; and a wiser than Solomon hath said, that the heart should be made clean, and not trivial ceremonies observed, which it is not very difficult to fulfill with scrupulous exactness when vice reigns in the heart.


Women ought to endeavour to purify their hearts; but can they do so when their uncultivated understandings make them entirely dependent on their senses for employment and amusement, when no noble pursuit sets them above the little vanities of the day, or enables them to curb the wild emotions that agitate a reed over which every passing breeze has power? To gain the affections of a virtuous man, is affectation necessary?

Nature has given woman a weaker frame than man; but, to ensure her husband's affections, must a wife, who, by the exercise of her mind and body, whilst she was discharging the duties of a daughter, wife, and mother, has allowed her constitution to retain its natural strength, and her nerves a healthy tone, is she, I say, to condescend, to use art, and feign a sickly delicacy, in order to secure her husband's affection? Weakness may excite tenderness, and gratify the arrogant pride of man; but the lordly caresses of a protector will not gratify a noble mind that pants for and deserves to be respected. Fondness is a poor substitute for friendship!

In a seraglio, I grant, that all these arts are necessary; the epicure must have his palate tickled, or he will sink into apathy; but have women so little ambition as to be satisfied with such a condition? Can they supinely dream life away in the lap of pleasure, or in the languor of weariness, rather than assert their claim to pursue reasonable pleasures, and render themselves conspicuous, by practising the virtues which dignify mankind? Surely she has not an immortal soul who can loiter life away, merely employed to adorn her person, that she may amuse the languid hours, and soften the cares of a fellow-creature who is willing to be enlivened by her smiles and tricks, when the serious business of life is over.


Besides, the woman who strengthens her body and exercises her mind will, by managing her family and practising various virtues, become the friend, and not the humble dependent of her husband; and if she deserves his regard by possessing such substantial qualities, she will not find it necessary to conceal her affection, nor to pretend to an unnatural coldness of constitution to excite her husband's passions. In fact, if we revert to history, we shall find that the women who have distinguished themselves have neither been the most beautiful nor the most gentle of their sex.


Nature, or to speak with strict propriety God, has made all things right; but man has sought him out many inventions to mar the work. I now allude to that part of Dr. Gregory's treatise, where he advises a wife never to let her husband know the extent of her sensibility or affection. Voluptuous precaution; and as ineffectual as absurd. Love, from its very nature, must be transitory. To seek for a secret that would render it constant, would be as wild a search as for the philosopher's stone, or the grand panacea; and the discovery would be equally useless, or rather pernicious to mankind. The most holy band of society is friendship. It has been well said, by a shrewd satirist, "that rare as true love is, true friendship is still rarer."


This is an obvious truth, and the cause not lying deep, will not elude a slight glance of inquiry.

Love, the common passion, in which chance and sensation take place of choice and reason, is in some degree, felt by the mass of mankind; for it is not necessary to speak, at present, of the emotions that rise above or sink below love. This passion, naturally increased by suspense and difficulties, draws the mind out of its accustomed state, and exalts the affections; but the security of marriage, allowing the fever of love to subside, a healthy temperature is thought insipid, only by those who have not sufficient intellect to substitute the calm tenderness of friendship, the confidence of respect, instead of blind admiration, and the sensual emotions of fondness.


This is, must be, the course of nature—friendship or indifference inevitably succeeds love. And this constitution seems perfectly to harmonize with the system of government which prevails in the moral world. Passions are spurs to action, and open the mind; but they sink into mere appetites, become a personal momentary gratification, when the object is gained, and the satisfied mind rests in enjoyment. The man who had some virtue whilst he was struggling for a crown, often becomes a voluptuous tyrant when it graces his brow; and, when the lover is not lost in the husband, the dotard a prey to childish caprices, and fond jealousies, neglects the serious duties of life, and the caresses which should excite confidence in his children are lavished on the overgrown child, his wife.


In order to fulfil the duties of life, and to be able to pursue with vigour the various employments which form the moral character, a master and mistress of a family ought not to continue to love each other with passion. I mean to say, that they ought not to indulge those emotions which disturb the order of society, and engross the thoughts that should be otherwise employed. The mind that has never been engrossed by one object wants vigour—if it can long be so, it is weak.


A mistaken education, a narrow, uncultivated mind, and many sexual prejudices, tend to make women more constant than men; but, for the present, I shall not touch on this branch of the subject. I will go still further, and advance, without dreaming of a paradox, that an unhappy marriage is often very advantageous to a family, and that the neglected wife is, in general, the best mother. And this would almost always be the consequence, if the female mind was more enlarged; for, it seems to be the common dispensation of Providence, that what we gain in present enjoyment should be deducted from the treasure of life, experience; and that when we are gathering the flowers of the day and revelling in pleasure, the solid fruit of toil and wisdom should not be caught at the same time. The way lies before us, we must turn to the right or left; and he who will pass life away in bounding from one pleasure to another, must not complain if he neither acquires wisdom nor respectability of character.


Supposing for a moment, that the soul is not immortal, and that man was only created for the present scene; I think we should have reason to complain that love, infantine fondness, ever grew insipid and palled upon the sense. Let us eat, drink, and love, for to-morrow we die, would be in fact the language of reason, the morality of life; and who but a fool would part with a reality for a fleeting shadow? But, if awed by observing the improvable powers of the mind, we disdain to confine our wishes or thoughts to such a comparatively mean field of action; that only appears grand and important as it is connected with a boundless prospect and sublime hopes; what necessity is there for falsehood in conduct, and why must the sacred majesty of truth be violated to detain a deceitful good that saps the very foundation of virtue? Why must the female mind be tainted by coquetish arts to gratify the sensualist, and prevent love from subsiding into friendship or compassionate tenderness, when there are not qualities on which friendship can be built? Let the honest heart show itself, and REASON teach passion to submit to necessity; or, let the dignified pursuit of virtue and knowledge raise the mind above those emotions which rather imbitter than sweeten the cup of life, when they are not restrained within due bounds.


I do not mean to allude to the romantic passion, which is the concomitant of genius. Who can clip its wings? But that grand passion not proportioned to the puny enjoyments of life, is only true to the sentiment, and feeds on itself. The passions which have been celebrated for their durability have always been unfortunate. They have acquired strength by absence and constitutional melancholy. The fancy has hovered round a form of beauty dimly seen—but familiarity might have turned admiration into disgust; or, at least, into indifference, and allowed the imagination leisure to start fresh game. With perfect propriety, according to this view of things, does Rousseau make the mistress of his soul, Eloisa, love St. Preux, when life was fading before her; but this is no proof of the immortality of the passion.


Of the same complexion is Dr. Gregory's advice respecting delicacy of sentiment, which he advises a woman not to acquire, if she has determined to marry. This determination, however, perfectly consistent with his former advice, he calls INDELICATE, and earnestly persuades his daughters to conceal it, though it may govern their conduct: as if it were indelicate to have the common appetites of human nature.

Noble morality! and consistent with the cautious prudence of a little soul that cannot extend its views beyond the present minute division of existence. If all the faculties of woman's mind are only to be cultivated as they respect her dependence on man; if, when she obtains a husband she has arrived at her goal, and meanly proud, is satisfied with such a paltry crown, let her grovel contentedly, scarcely raised by her employments above the animal kingdom; but, if she is struggling for the prize of her high calling, let her cultivate her understanding without stopping to consider what character the husband may have whom she is destined to marry. Let her only determine, without being too anxious about present happiness, to acquire the qualities that ennoble a rational being, and a rough, inelegant husband may shock her taste without destroying her peace of mind. She will not model her soul to suit the frailties of her companion, but to bear with them: his character may be a trial, but not an impediment to virtue.


If Dr. Gregory confined his remark to romantic expectations of constant love and congenial feelings, he should have recollected, that experience will banish what advice can never make us cease to wish for, when the imagination is kept alive at the expence of reason.


I own it frequently happens, that women who have fostered a romantic unnatural delicacy of feeling, waste their lives in IMAGINING how happy they should have been with a husband who could love them with a fervid increasing affection every day, and all day. But they might as well pine married as single, and would not be a jot more unhappy with a bad husband than longing for a good one. That a proper education; or, to speak with more precision, a well stored mind, would enable a woman to support a single life with dignity, I grant; but that she should avoid cultivating her taste, lest her husband should occasionally shock it, is quitting a substance for a shadow. To say the truth, I do not know of what use is an improved taste, if the individual be not rendered more independent of the casualties of life; if new sources of enjoyment, only dependent on the solitary operations of the mind, are not opened. People of taste, married or single, without distinction, will ever be disgusted by various things that touch not less observing minds. On this conclusion the argument must not be allowed to hinge; but in the whole sum of enjoyment is taste to be denominated a blessing?

The question is, whether it procures most pain or pleasure? The answer will decide the propriety of Dr. Gregory's advice, and show how absurd and tyrannic it is thus to lay down a system of slavery; or to attempt to educate moral beings by any other rules than those deduced from pure reason, which apply to the whole species.


Gentleness of manners, forbearance, and long suffering, are such amiable godlike qualities, that in sublime poetic strains the Deity has been invested with them; and, perhaps, no representation of his goodness so strongly fastens on the human affections as those that represent him abundant in mercy and willing to pardon. Gentleness, considered in this point of view, bears on its front all the characteristics of grandeur, combined with the winning graces of condescension; but what a different aspect it assumes when it is the submissive demeanour of dependence, the support of weakness that loves, because it wants protection; and is forbearing, because it must silently endure injuries; smiling under the lash at which it dare not snarl. Abject as this picture appears, it is the portrait of an accomplished woman, according to the received opinion of female excellence, separated by specious reasoners from human excellence. Or, they (Vide Rousseau, and Swedenborg) kindly restore the rib, and make one moral being of a man and woman; not forgetting to give her all the "submissive charms."


How women are to exist in that state where there is to be neither marrying nor giving in marriage, we are not told. For though moralists have agreed, that the tenor of life seems to prove that MAN is prepared by various circumstances for a future state, they constantly concur in advising WOMAN only to provide for the present. Gentleness, docility, and a spaniel-like affection are, on this ground, consistently recommended as the cardinal virtues of the sex; and, disregarding the arbitrary economy of nature, one writer has declared that it is masculine for a woman to be melancholy. She was created to be the toy of man, his rattle, and it must jingle in his ears, whenever, dismissing reason, he chooses to be amused.


To recommend gentleness, indeed, on a broad basis is strictly philosophical. A frail being should labour to be gentle. But when forbearance confounds right and wrong, it ceases to be a virtue; and, however convenient it may be found in a companion, that companion will ever be considered as an inferior, and only inspire a vapid tenderness, which easily degenerates into contempt. Still, if advice could really make a being gentle, whose natural disposition admitted not of such a fine polish, something toward the advancement of order would be attained; but if, as might quickly be demonstrated, only affectation be produced by this indiscriminate counsel, which throws a stumbling block in the way of gradual improvement, and true melioration of temper, the sex is not much benefited by sacrificing solid virtues to the attainment of superficial graces, though for a few years they may procure the individual's regal sway.


As a philosopher, I read with indignation the plausible epithets which men use to soften their insults; and, as a moralist, I ask what is meant by such heterogeneous associations, as fair defects, amiable weaknesses, etc.? If there is but one criterion of morals, but one archetype for man, women appear to be suspended by destiny, according to the vulgar tale of Mahomet's coffin; they have neither the unerring instinct of brutes, nor are allowed to fix the eye of reason on a perfect model. They were made to be loved, and must not aim at respect, lest they should be hunted out of society as masculine.


But to view the subject in another point of view. Do passive indolent women make the best wives? Confining our discussion to the present moment of existence, let us see how such weak creatures perform their part? Do the women who, by the attainment of a few superficial accomplishments, have strengthened the prevailing prejudice, merely contribute to the happiness of their husbands? Do they display their charms merely to amuse them? And have women, who have early imbibed notions of passive obedience, sufficient character to manage a family or educate children? So far from it, that, after surveying the history of woman, I cannot help agreeing with the severest satirist, considering the sex as the weakest as well as the most oppressed half of the species. What does history disclose but marks of inferiority, and how few women have emancipated themselves from the galling yoke of sovereign man? So few, that the exceptions remind me of an ingenious conjecture respecting Newton: that he was probably a being of a superior order, accidentally caged in a human body. In the same style I have been led to imagine that the few extraordinary women who have rushed in eccentrical directions out of the orbit prescribed to their sex, were MALE spirits, confined by mistake in a female frame. But if it be not philosophical to think of sex when the soul is mentioned, the inferiority must depend on the organs; or the heavenly fire, which is to ferment the clay, is not given in equal portions.


But avoiding, as I have hitherto done, any direct comparison of the two sexes collectively, or frankly acknowledging the inferiority of woman, according to the present appearance of things, I shall only insist, that men have increased that inferiority till women are almost sunk below the standard of rational creatures. Let their faculties have room to unfold, and their virtues to gain strength, and then determine where the whole sex must stand in the intellectual scale. Yet, let it be remembered, that for a small number of distinguished women I do not ask a place.


It is difficult for us purblind mortals to say to what height human discoveries and improvements may arrive, when the gloom of despotism subsides, which makes us stumble at every step; but, when morality shall be settled on a more solid basis, then, without being gifted with a prophetic spirit, I will venture to predict, that woman will be either the friend or slave of man. We shall not, as at present, doubt whether she is a moral agent, or the link which unites man with brutes. But, should it then appear, that like the brutes they were principally created for the use of man, he will let them patiently bite the bridle, and not mock them with empty praise; or, should their rationality be proved, he will not impede their improvement merely to gratify his sensual appetites. He will not with all the graces of rhetoric, advise them to submit implicitly their understandings to the guidance of man. He will not, when he treats of the education of women, assert, that they ought never to have the free use of reason, nor would he recommend cunning and dissimulation to beings who are acquiring, in like manner as himself, the virtues of humanity.

Surely there can be but one rule of right, if morality has an eternal foundation, and whoever sacrifices virtue, strictly so called, to present convenience, or whose DUTY it is to act in such a manner, lives only for the passing day, and cannot be an accountable creature.


The poet then should have dropped his sneer when he says,

"If weak women go astray,
The stars are more in fault than they."

For that they are bound by the adamantine chain of destiny is most certain, if it be proved that they are never to exercise their own reason, never to be independent, never to rise above opinion, or to feel the dignity of a rational will that only bows to God, and often forgets that the universe contains any being but itself, and the model of perfection to which its ardent gaze is turned, to adore attributes that, softened into virtues, may be imitated in kind, though the degree overwhelms the enraptured mind.

If, I say, for I would not impress by declamation when reason offers her sober light, if they are really capable of acting like rational creatures, let them not be treated like slaves; or, like the brutes who are dependent on the reason of man, when they associate with him; but cultivate their minds, give them the salutary, sublime curb of principle, and let them attain conscious dignity by feeling themselves only dependent on God. Teach them, in common with man, to submit to necessity, instead of giving, to render them more pleasing, a sex to morals.

Further, should experience prove that they cannot attain the same degree of strength of mind, perseverance and fortitude, let their virtues be the same in kind, though they may vainly struggle for the same degree; and the superiority of man will be equally clear, if not clearer; and truth, as it is a simple principle, which admits of no modification, would be common to both. Nay, the order of society, as it is at present regulated, would not be inverted, for woman would then only have the rank that reason assigned her, and arts could not be practised to bring the balance even, much less to turn it.


These may be termed Utopian dreams. Thanks to that Being who impressed them on my soul, and gave me sufficient strength of mind to dare to exert my own reason, till becoming dependent only on him for the support of my virtue, I view with indignation, the mistaken notions that enslave my sex.


I love man as my fellow; but his sceptre real or usurped, extends not to me, unless the reason of an individual demands my homage; and even then the submission is to reason, and not to man. In fact, the conduct of an accountable being must be regulated by the operations of its own reason; or on what foundation rests the throne of God?


It appears to me necessary to dwell on these obvious truths, because females have been insulted, as it were; and while they have been stripped of the virtues that should clothe humanity, they have been decked with artificial graces, that enable them to exercise a short lived tyranny. Love, in their bosoms, taking place of every nobler passion, their sole ambition is to be fair, to raise emotion instead of inspiring respect; and this ignoble desire, like the servility in absolute monarchies, destroys all strength of character. Liberty is the mother of virtue, and if women are, by their very constitution, slaves, and not allowed to breathe the sharp invigorating air of freedom, they must ever languish like exotics, and be reckoned beautiful flaws in nature; let it also be remembered, that they are the only flaw.


As to the argument respecting the subjection in which the sex has ever been held, it retorts on man. The many have always been enthralled by the few; and, monsters who have scarcely shown any discernment of human excellence, have tyrannized over thousands of their fellow creatures. Why have men of superior endowments submitted to such degradation? For, is it not universally acknowledged that kings, viewed collectively, have ever been inferior, in abilities and virtue, to the same number of men taken from the common mass of mankind—yet, have they not, and are they not still treated with a degree of reverence, that is an insult to reason? China is not the only country where a living man has been made a God. MEN have submitted to superior strength, to enjoy with impunity the pleasure of the moment—WOMEN have only done the same, and therefore till it is proved that the courtier, who servilely resigns the birthright of a man, is not a moral agent, it cannot be demonstrated that woman is essentially inferior to man, because she has always been subjugated.

Brutal force has hitherto governed the world, and that the science of politics is in its infancy, is evident from philosophers scrupling to give the knowledge most useful to man that determinate distinction.


I shall not pursue this argument any further than to establish an obvious inference, that as sound politics diffuse liberty, mankind, including woman, will become more wise and virtuous.



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