lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2021


Yendo un poco más deprisa, intentaremos ver (o al menos nombrar en clase... a tres autores del programa cada día. El 22 de noviembre, a Gray, Johnson y Blake; y el 23 terminamos el tema 3 con Wollstonecraft, y pasamos al 4 con Austen y Scott.



Mary Wollstonecraft   (1759-1797)

English woman of letters, philosopher and novelist, political thinker and educationist, major theorist of feminism. Born in London, unhappy childhood with brutal improvident father; loved Fanny Blood; self-educated schoolteacher, Dissenter, frequented Unitarian and radical circles, hack writer for Joseph Johnson, unhappy infatuation with Henry Fuseli; feminist and radical activist; travelled to France during Revolution, met Gilbert Imlay, had illegitimate daughter Fanny Imlay; rejected and exploited by Imlay, travelled to Scandinavia as his business agent, attempted suicide in Putney Bridge, rescued; friendship and marriage with William Godwin, died after giving birth to daughter Mary Godwin [later Mary Shelley]. As a feminist writer, she emphasizes the importance of education in modelling character and socially promoting the equality of women, rather than the straightforward demand of political rights for women.

_____. Thoughts on the Education of Daughters. 1787.
_____. Original Stories. Children's book. 1788.
_____. Mary: A Fiction.  1788.

_____, ed. The Female Reader. 1789.

_____. A Vindication of the Rights of Men.  1790.
_____. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.  1792. 
_____. An Historical and Moral View. . . of the French Revolution.  1794.
_____. Letters Written During a Short Residence in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. 1796.
_____. Maria, or The Wrongs of Woman.  Unfinished novel. In Posthumous Works, 1798.

Nuestra lectura de Mary Wollstonecraft es una selección de Vindication of the Rights of Woman (en las fotocopias).

Aquí una presentación sobre Mary Wollstonecraft como filósofa feminista: una pequeña lección de la UNED (audio) sobre Mary Wollstonecraft y su Vindication of the Rights of Woman.

Y una biografía de Mary Wollstonecraft (audio-vídeo).

Lady Macbeth sonámbula, un cuadro de uno de los amados de Mary Wollstonecraft, el pintor romántico Henry Fuseli.


 Dr Kat on Mary Wollstonecraft:


Political writers of the 1790s:

Edmund Burke. Conciliation with the American Colonies. 1775.

_______. Reflections on the Revolution in France. 1790.


Richard Price. Observations on Civil Liberty. 1776.

William Godwin. Political Justice. 1793.




Mary Wollstonecraft and William Godwin.




Obras de William Blake  (1757-1827):

_____.  Songs of Innocence. 1789.
_____.  The Marriage of Heaven and Hell. c.1790-93.
_____.  America: A Prophecy. 1793.
_____.  Visions of the Daughters of Albion. 1793.
_____.   Songs of Experience. 1794.  ("The Clod and the Pebble"; "London")
_____.  The Book of Urizen. Poem. 1794.
_____.  Europe: A Prophecy. 1794.
_____.  The Book of Los.  Poem. 1795.
_____.  The Four Zoas (Orig. Vala), written and rev. 1797-1804.

_____. "Auguries of Innocence." 1803.
_____.  Milton, a Poem in Two Books. 1804-8.
_____.  Jerusalem: The Emanation of the Giant Albion. 1804-20.

_____. "The Everlasting Gospel." 1818.

William Blake y sus grabados
en Google Images.

De Blake tenemos en la selección de lecturas unos poemas: "The Clod and the Pebble", "London", y "Auguries of Innocence".

- Un audio de la BBC sobre Songs of Innocence & Songs of Experience de William Blake. (Este programa de la BBC 4, In Our Time, es una excelente idea añadirlo a vuestros favoritos para practicar inglés con temas de interés cultural).






NIVEL AVANZADO: A video documentary on William Blake


Samuel Johnson  (1709-1784)

_____. "London, A Poem in Imitation of the Third Satire of Juvenal." 1738.
_____.  "The Vanity of Human Wishes: The Tenth Satire of Juvenal Imitated." 1749.
_____.  The Rambler.  London, 1750-2.
_____.  A Dictionary of the English Language: In Which the Words are Deduced from Their Originals, and Illustrated in Their Different Significations by Examples from the Best Writers.   2 vols. London, 1755. 
_____.  The Idler.  Periodical. 1758-60.
_____.  The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abisinia.  Novel. 1759.
_____, ed. The Plays of William Shakespeare, with Notes, etc.  1765. ("Preface to Shakespeare")
_____.  Lives of the English Poets.  1778-1780. 
_____.  Prayers and Meditations. 1785.

Prose in the Age of Reason
(Anthony Burgess).

Dos conferencias: Johnson y Boswell.

De Johnson tenemos una selección de lecturas en las fotocopias.



- The Age of Johnson (video lecture)

- Un documental sobre Samuel Johnson:

- Samuel Johnson as critic (video lectures). 


From Johnson's Club:


James Boswell. The Life of Samuel Johnson. 1791.

Oliver Goldsmith, The Citizen of the World. Essays. 1760s.

_____. The Vicar of Wakefield. Novel. 1766.

_____. The Deserted Village. Poem. 1770.

_____. She Stoops to Conquer. Drama. 1771. 




Thomas Gray  (1716-1771)

_____. "Ode on the Spring." 1742.
_____. "Ode to Adversity." 1742.
_____. "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College." 1742.
_____. "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard."  Written 1742-50. Pub. 1751.
_____. "The Progress of Poesy." Ode. Written. 1754. Pub. 1757.
_____.  "The Bard." Ode. Written 1754-57. Pub. 1757.
_____. "The Triumphs of Owen." Poem. Written c. 1764. Pub. 1768.
_____. "The Fatal Sisters. From the Norse Tongue."  Poem. Written 1761. Pub. 1768.
_____. "The Descent of Odin." Poem. Poem. Written 1761. Pub. 1768.
_____. Poems. 1768.

 _____. Journal in the Lakes. Written 1769, pub. 1775.
_____.  Journal in France. Written 1739. Posthumous.


Leeremos de Gray el poema incluido en las fotocopias, "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard".



Other poets of the "age of sensibility", the Graveyard School and pre-Romantics:


James Thomson, The Seasons. 1730.


Edward Young, Night Thoughts. 1745.


William Collins, "Ode to Evening." 1746. 

William Cowper, The Task. 1775.

____. "The Castaway". 1799. 


James MacPherson. The Works of Ossian son of Fingal. 1765.


Thomas Chatterton. Poems, Supposed to Have Been Written at Bristol, by Thomas Rowley. 1777. 


NIVEL AVANZADO:  Gray y sus coetáneos




15 de noviembre: Textos de Defoe y Swift

16 de noviembre: El plan es hablar de Richardson, Fielding y Sterne. Si llegamos a tanto, pero hay que ir deprisa.



En la sección B (Siglo XX, estudio fuera de aula) seguimos añadiendo materiales, ya para dar fin a la Unidad 7.





Laurence Sterne (1713-1768)

English novelist, b. Ireland, studied in Cambridge; Anglican priest in Yorkshire, unfortunate and scandalous marriage; follower of Rabelais and Cervantes; of Burton, Locke and Swift; satirical and sentimental prose writer, humourist student of character and experimental psychological novelist; parodist of pedantry and erudition combined with sexual allusions; he often appears as 'Yorick' in his works; success with Tristram Shandy, unhappy love story with 'Eliza'; travelled in Europe with poor health.
_____. A Political Romance. 1759.
_____. The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman.  Novel. 9 vols. 1759-67.
_____. Sermons. 7 vols. 1760-1769.
_____. A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy, by Mr Yorick. Travel book. 1761.
_____. Letters from Yorick to Eliza. 1773.

Some introductory notes on Sterne.

Tenemos en las fotocopias una selección de páginas de Tristram Shandy.


- Daiches on Sterne

- La aporía temporal de Tristram Shandy

Otros novelistas significativos de finales del siglo XVIII son:

Frances Burney, Evelina. 1778.

_____. Cecilia.  1782. 


- Tobias Smollett (Humphry Clinker)
- Ann Radcliffe (The Mysteries of Udolpho)

- William Godwin (Caleb Williams)

Mullan, John. "The Rise of the Novel." British Library 21 June 2018.*


HENRY  FIELDING         (1707-1754)

_____. The Author's Farce And the Pleasures of the Town. 1730.
_____. The Tragedy of Tragedies, or Tom Thumb the Great. 1731.
_____. The Covent Garden Tragedy. 1732.
_____. The Mock Doctor. 1732. Adaptation of Molière's Le Médecin Malgré Lui.
_____. The Miser. 1733. Adaptation of Molière's L'Avare.
_____. Don Quixote in England. Comedy. 1736.
_____. Pasquin. Farce. 1737.
_____. The Historical Register for the Year 1736. Farce. 1737.
_____. The Champion. Periodical. 1739.
_____. (Attr.). An Apology for the Life of Mrs Shamela Andrews, etc., by Conny Keyber. Parody. 1741.
_____. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews, and of His Friend Mr Abraham Adams: Written in Imitation of the Manner of Cervantes, Author of "Don Quixote". Novel. 1742.
_____. A Journey from this World to the Next. Menippean satire. In Miscellanies.Vol. 2. 1743.
_____. The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great. Novel. In Fielding, Miscellanies. Vol. 3. 1743.
_____. The True Patriot. Periodical. 1745-46.
_____. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. Novel. 1749.
_____. Amelia. Novel. 1751.
_____. The Covent-Garden Journal. Periodical. 1752.
_____. Proposal for Making an Effectual Provision for the Poor. 1753.
_____. A Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon. 1754.

Fielding was an English novelist, dramatist and journalist; gentleman; st. Leiden; lawyer and anti-Walpole satirist; social reformer; novelist "in the style of Cervantes"; Westminster magistrate, severe illness, d. Lisbon. Some notes here.

En las fotocopias hay una selección de capítulos de Tom Jones  (I.1-5, pp. 51-61; I.9-10, 144-49; VII.1-3, 299-305)


NIVEL AVANZADO: An audio introduction to Tom Jones.

William Hogarth, "Canvassing for Votes"




SAMUEL RICHARDSON     (1689-1761)

Major English novelist, began as London printer apprentice, later prosperous self-made businessman; family man, distressed by death of many children and wife; remarried, had nervous disorders; master printer of London and bourgeois novelist; developed sentimental epistolary novel with psychological and "feminist" interest. 

_____. Letters Written to and for Particular Friends, on the most important Occasions. Directing not only the Requisite Style and Forms to be observed in Writing Familiar Letters; but how to think and act justly and prudently, in the common Concerns of Human Life. 1741.
_____. [Unsigned] Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded.  Novel. 1740.
_____. Pamela in Her Exalted Condition. Novel. 1741.
_____. Clarissa, or, The History of a Young Lady.  Novel. 8 vols. 1747-48. 
_____. The History of Sir Charles Grandison. Novel. 1753-4.

Tenéis en las fotocopias una selección de Pamela (letters i-xii, pp. 43-57)



Some notes here: 




Un audio de la BBC (In Our Time) sobre Epistolary Fiction.


A Yahoo:

Jonathan Swift (1667-1745).

_____. The Battle of the Books.
_____.  A Tale of a Tub.  Satire. Written 1696-8. Pub.1704, 1710.
_____, ed. The Examiner (Bolingbroke’s Tory newspaper). 1710. Written 1696-8. Pub. 1704.
_____. Journal to Stella. 1710-1713. Pub. 1766-8.
_____. Proposal for the Universal Use of Irish Manufacture. Pamphlet. 1720.
_____. Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, by Lemuel Gulliver. Written 1721-25. London, 1726. (a.k.a. Gulliver's Travels)
_____. The Drapier's Letters. Pamphlet series. 1724.
_____. A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People from Being a Burthen to Their Parents or Country. 1729.
_____. "Verses on the Death of Dr. Swift." Satire. 1731, pub. 1739.
_____. Works. 4 vols. Dublin: George Faulkner, 1735.

Some notes on Swift and on other prose writers of the early 18th c.


NIVEL AVANZADO: A lecture on Jonathan Swift's life and world.

Cazamian: Universal Criticism: Arbuthnot and Swift



Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)  (Daniel Foe to 1695)

_____. An Essay upon Projects.  1697.
_____. Enquiry into the Occasional Conformity of Dissenters. Pamphlet. 1698.
_____. Legion's Memorial to the House of Commons. Pamphlet. 1701.
_____. The True-Born Englishman.  Satirical poem. 1701.
_____. The Shortest Way with the Dissenters. Hoax pamphlet. 1702.
_____. Hymn to the Pillory. Satirical poem. 1702.
_____. The Review. Journalism. 1704-13.
_____. True Relation of the Apparition of one Mrs. Veal.
Tale. 1706.
_____. Mercator, or Commerce Retriev'd. Journal. 1713-14.
_____. The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe,of York, Mariner. Memoir novel. 1719. 
_____. The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: Being the Second and Last Part of his Life. Narrative. 1719.
_____. Serious Reflections during the Life and Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe: With his Vision of the Angelick World.  1720.
_____. The Memoirs of a Cavalier. Memoir novel. 1720.
_____.  Captain Singleton.  Memoir novel.  1720.
_____. The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders. Memoir novel. 1722. 
_____.  Colonel Jacque.  Memoir novel.  1722.
_____. A Journal of the Plague Year. Apocryphal memoir. 1722.
_____. Religious Courtship. Moral treatise. 1722.
_____. Roxana, The Fortunate Mistress. Memoir novel. 1724.
_____. A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain. Guide book.  3 vols. 1724-26.
_____. The Complete English Tradesman. Non-fiction. 1726.
_____. A Plan of the English Commerce. Non-fiction. 1728.
_____. The Complete English Gentleman.  Non-fiction. 1729, pub. 1890.


Some notes on Daniel Defoe and his works.

Un clásico del cine aragonés sobre la novela más famosa de Defoe. Robinson Crusoe,  de Luis Buñuel (1952).

Una introducción panorámica a la historia y expansión del Imperio Británico.

-  Un audio de la BBC sobre Robinson Crusoe (In Our Time).
- Queen Anne Prose (notes from Saintsbury). 

Alexander Pope:

Some works by

ALEXANDER POPE     (1688-1744)

(English poet, son of a Catholic businessman; small and crook-backed, poor health; l. unmarried in Twickenham; Catholic/deist, associated first with Whigs and soon with Scriblerus club of Tory satirists; friend of Gay, Swift, Arbuthnot, Bolingbroke; quarrelsome man of letters, conservative Tory critic of men and manners; neoclassical model in English poetry after Dryden)

_____. Pastorals. 1709.
_____.  An Essay on Criticism.  1711. 
_____. The Rape of the Lock. First version. 1712. Enlarged ed. 1714.
_____. "Windsor Forest." 1713.
_____, trans. Iliad. 1715-20.
_____. "Epistle of Eloisa to Abelard." Poem. 1717.
_____. The Works.  1717.
_____. "Preface to The Works of Shakespear."  1725. 
_____, trans. Odyssey. 1725-26. (In collaboration)
_____.  Peri Bathous or, The Art of Sinking in Poetry.  1727. 
_____. The Dunciad. books I-III. 1728-1743.
_____. Essay on Man. 1733-1734.  (Epistle I)
_____. Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot.  Poem. 1735.
_____. Imitations of Horace. 1737.

Introductory notes to Pope.

An introduction to The Essay on Man.



Pope and his elder contemporaries in verse (Saintsbury)


SARAH EGERTON     (1670-1723)

Sarah Fyge Egerton, née Sarah Fyge, English poet of the Dryden school, outspoken feminist, precocious writer, teenage feminist; sent to the country by her parents to repress her, forced to marry Edward Field, widow, m. cousin Reverend Thomas Egerton, unsuccessfuly sued for divorce, loved Henry Pierce, object of scandal and public ridicule, forgotten as a poet and recovered by feminist critics in the 20th century.

_____. (anon.). The Female Advocate or, an Answer to a Late Satyr Against the Pride, Lust and Inconstancy, c. of Woman. Written by a Lady in Vindication of her Sex. 1686. (A verse satire published in response to Robert Gould's misogynist satire, A Late Satyr Against the Pride, Lust, and Inconstancy, etc. of Woman, 1682). 

_____. (signed S. F.). Poems on Several Occasions, Together with a Pastoral… 1703.
_____. "The Emulation."

Sarah Egerton: The Emulation

Say, tyrant Custom, why must we obey
The impositions of thy haughty sway?
From the first dawn of life unto the grave,
Poor womankind's in every state a slave,
The nurse, the mistress, parent and the swain,
For love she must, there's none escape that pain.
Then comes the last, the fatal slavery:
The husband with insulting tyranny
Can have ill manners justified by law,
For men all join to keep the wife in awe.
Moses, who first our freedom did rebuke,
Was married when he writ the Pentateuch.
They're wise to keep us slaves, for well they know,
If we were loose, we should soon make them so.
We yield like vanquished kings whom fetters bind,
When chance of war is to usurpers kind;
Submit in form; but they'd our thoughts control,
And lay restraints on the impassive soul.
They fear we should excel their sluggish parts,
Should we attempt the sciences and arts;
Pretend they were designed for them alone,
So keep us fools to raise their own renown.
Thus priests of old, their grandeur to maintain,
Cried vulgar eyes would sacred laws profane;
So kept the mysteries behind a screen:
Their homage and the name were lost had they been seen.
But in this blessèd age such freedom's given,
That every man explains the will of heaven;
And shall we women now sit tamely by,
Make no excursions in philosophy,
Or grace our thoughts in tuneful poetry?
We will our rights in learning's world maintain;
Wit's empire now shall know a female reign.
Come, all ye fair, the great attempt improve,
Divinely imitate the realms above:
There's ten celestial females govern wit,
And but two gods that dare pretend to it.
And shall these finite males reverse their rules?
No, we'll be wits, and then men must be fools.



Otras autoras feministas de la Restauración y 1700 (NIVEL AVANZADO)


Nuestros primeros autores en este tema, el 8 de noviembre, serán Milton, Rochester y Dryden

JOHN DRYDEN     (1631-1700)

English man of letters, b. Aldwinkle, Northamptonshire; st. Westminster School and Trinity College, Cambridge; Parliamentarian protestant background, soon Anglican Royalist courtier, converted to catholicism 1686; successful playwright, Poet Laureate 1668; Historiographer 1670; Tory satirist and polemicist vs. Whigs; lost jobs in 1688 Revolution; then jacobite; neoclassical critic and translator; influential dramatist, poet and critic, d. London; buried at Westminster Abbey after some grotesque incidents.

_____. "A Poem upon the Death of His Late Highness, Oliver, Lord Protector of England, Scotland, and Ireland." 1659.
_____. Astraea Redux. A Poem on the Happy Restoration and Return of his Sacred Majesty Charles the Second. Poem. 1660.
_____. "To His Sacred Majesty, A Panegyrick on his Coronation." 1661.
_____. The Rival Ladies. Tragicomedy. 1664.
_____. The Indian Emperor, or The Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Heroic drama. 1665.
_____.  Annus Mirabilis, The Year of wonders, 1666. An Historical Poem: containing the Progress and various Successes of our Naval War with Holland, under the Conduct of His Highness Prince Rupert (...)  And describing the Fire of London.  1667.
_____. The Tempest, or The Enchanted Island.  Operatic adaptation, with William Davenant. 1667, pr. 1670.
_____.  Of Dramatic Poesy: An Essay.  1668. 
_____. Tyrannick love, or , The Royal Martyr. Heroic play 1669.
_____. Almanzor and Almahide, or The Conquest of Granada. Heroic play. 2 parts, 1669, 1670. Pub. 1672.
_____. Marriage à la Mode. Comedy 1672.
_____. Aureng-Zebe. Heroic play. 1676.
_____. All for Love; or, The World Well Lost. Tragedy. 1677, pr. 1678.
_____. Mac-Flecknoe, or A Satyr upon the True-Blew-Protestant Poet, T. S. [Thomas Shadwell] Satire. 1676, pub. 1682.
_____. The Spanish Fryar, or The Double Discovery.  Tragicomedy. 1680.
_____.  (Anon.) Absalom and Achitophel.  (1st part). Satirical poem. 1681.
_____. The Medall. A Satyre against Sedition. By the Author of Absalom and Achitophel. Poem. 1682.
_____. Religio Laici.  Poem. 1682.
_____. To the Pious Memory of Mrs. Anne Killigrew. Poem. 1686.
_____. The Hind and the Panther. A Poem.  1687.
_____. Song for St. Cecilia's Day.  1687. Set by Draghi in 1687.
_____. King Arthur or The British Worthy. Dramatic opera. Music by Purcell. 1691.
_____, trans. Aeneis. By Virgil. 1697.
_____.  Fables Ancient and Modern, Translated into Verse from Homer, Virgil, Boccacce, and Chaucer.  1699.

Dryden, John, and William Soames, trans. Art Poétique. By Boileau. 1683.

Cosas de Dryden:

Unas notas sobre su figura y obra...  la primera mitad puede que os sirva, el resto es NIVEL AVANZADO.
O podéis mirar mejor su página de Luminarium. Eso vale para todos estos autores.  

- John Dryden y sus colaboraciones musicales.


NIVEL AVANZADO: Restoration drama.

- Purcell — Dido and Aeneas

Este siglo aparece la ópera. Purcell es quizá el mayor compositor inglés. Aquí otra versión reciente de Dido & Aeneas

- The Theatre of the Restoration notes from A History of English Literature, by Legouis and Cazamian.


John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester  (1647-1680)

2nd Earl of Rochester, b. Ditchley, Oxfordshire, son of the 1st Earl of Rochester; scandalous court wit and erotic poet under Charles II, rake and hooligan; destroyed his health through drink and sex; atheist and misanthropist, skeptic philosophical poet, libertine converted to Christian devotion before his death, d. London.

_____. "A Satyr against Reason and Mankind." Satire.
_____. "The Imperfect Enjoyment." Poem.
_____. "The Disabled Debauchee." Poem.
_____. "The Fall."  Poem.
_____. "A Satyr on Charles II." Poem.
_____. Poems on Several Occasions... 1680.
_____. "Upon Nothing." 1711.


Esta es la página de Rochester en Luminariumcon obras, crítica, etc. Es especialmente recomendable la Satire against Reason and Mankind. 

Unas notas complementarias sobre Rochester. 


Una breve biografía y algunas obras de Milton. Por cierto, bibliografías más completas de todos estos autores se encuentran en

JOHN MILTON         (1608-1674)

English poet, son of a London musician and scrivener; studied in Christ's College, Cambridge, BA 1628, MA 1632; turned vs. Anglicanism, then private study at father's house in Buckinghamshire; tour of Italy late 30s; private tutor and active Protestant pamphleteer and polemicist in London; married  Mary Powell, of Royalist family, 1643, estranged for some time, advocated divorce; reconciliation with wife; austere and authoritarian patriarch, militant masculinist, 

Independent critic of Presbyterians, Latin secretary to the Commonwealth, supported regicide, apologist of Cromwell; blind 1652; wife died after childbirth, son died, 3 surviving daughters; m. Katharine Woodcock, died after childbirth; m. Elizabeth Minshull after Restoration (no surviving children from later wives); 

Milton protected Royalists under war and Commonwealth and was protected by Davenant and Marvell after the Restoration: fined but pardoned; abandoned political activity, private life as man of letters, historian, theologian and neoclassical poet, helped by his family and visitors, organ player for recreation.

Early works:

  _____."On the Morning of Christ's Nativity. Compos'd 1629." Ode. In Poems. 1645.
_____. "On Shakespeare" Sonnet. 1630.
_____. "L'Allegro" /"Il Penseroso." Poems. c. 1631.
_____. Comus. Masque. 1634.
_____. "Lycidas." Pastoral elegy. 1637.

_____. Poems / of / Mr. John Milton, / both / English and Latin, / Compos'd at Several Times. / 1645.

Middle Works

 _____. Of Reformation Touching Church Discipline in England. 1641.
_____. The Reason of Church Government Urg'd Against Prelaty, by Mr. John Milton. 1641-42.
_____. The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce. 1643.
_____. Areopagitica: A Speech of Mr John Milton For the Liberty of Unlicenc'd Printing, To the Parliament of England. 1644.
_____. "On the new forcers of Conscience under the Long PARLIAMENT." Expanded sonnet. c. 1646.
_____. The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. 1649.
_____. EIKONOCLASTES. 1649.
_____. Pro populo Anglicano Defensio. Political pamphlet. 1651.
_____. "Cromwell, our Chief of Men." Sonnet. Pub. 1694.
_____. "When I Consider How My Light Is Spent." Sonnet. c. 1652.
_____. "On the late Massacher in Piedmont." Sonnet.  1655.
_____. "Methought I saw my late espoused Saint."  Sonnet. 1658.


Late works:

 _____. PARADISE LOST. Epic poem in 10 books, 1667. Rev. in 12 books, 1674.
_____.  History of Britain. 1670.
_____. PARADISE / REGAIN'D. / A / POEM. / In IV BOOKS. / To which is added / SAMSON AGONISTES. 1671.


John Milton: Paradise Lost

From Book 1 

Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste
Brought death into the World, and all our woe,
With loss of Eden, till one greater Man
Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat,
Sing, Heavenly Muse, that, on the secret top
Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire
That shepherd who first taught the chosen seed
In the beginning how the heavens and earth
Rose out of Chaos: or, if Sion hill
Delight thee more, and Siloa's brook that flowed
Fast by the oracle of God, I thence
Invoke thy aid to my adventurous song,
That with no middle flight intends to soar
Above th' Aonian mount, while it pursues
Things unattempted yet in prose or rhyme.
And chiefly Thou, O Spirit, that dost prefer
Before all temples th' upright heart and pure,
Instruct me, for Thou know'st; Thou from the first
Wast present, and, with mighty wings outspread,
Dove-like sat'st brooding on the vast Abyss,
And mad'st it pregnant: what in me is dark
Illumine, what is low raise and support;
That, to the height of this great argument,
I may assert Eternal Providence,
And justify the ways of God to men.


Materiales sobre John Milton en Internet abundan:

- "John Milton (1608-1674)." en Luminarium.

- Spark Notes: Paradise Lost

—y un audio de la BBC de Adam Nicolson. 

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